Php Script To Update Database From Excel

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PHP Database table editor for MySql, SQL Server, Oracle, DB2, Firebird, SQLite or PostgreSql. Provide table access in form of rich featured PHP Grid.

Using PHP with Oracle Database 1. Do not delete this text because it is a placeholder for the generated list of . This tutorial helps you get started with PHP and Oracle Database by showing how to build a web application and by giving techniques for using PHP with Oracle. If you are new to PHP, review the Appendix: PHP Primer to gain an understanding of the PHP language. Before starting this Oracle By Example, please have the following prerequisites completed. Install Oracle Database 1. Start DRCP connection pooling.

Install PHP 5. 3. OCI8 1. 4 extension. Microsoft Network Monitor Filter Kerberos Kdc. Extract these files to your $HOME location. Using the OCI8 extension directly gives programmers maximum control over application performance. To create a connection to Oracle that can be used for the lifetime of the. PHP script, perform the following steps.

Before using php's include, require, include This is a Simple Login webpage with attractive template. Create an database Database Name : site Remember Small 's' Create a table name login and then input the. Ajax and php powered mySQL table editor to easily perform all CRUD operations. Create Read Update Delete from database table using AJAX. Show data, edit data, remove.

Any standard connections not explicitly. This. SQL*Plus script shows the current database sessions, and what time they. Note that you could also execute the script in SQL Developer. HOME/public. The only session shown is for SQL*Plus. The PHP connections from the oci. Now rerurn usersess.

SQL*Plus. You may see more than two if you reloaded the page several times and Apache allocated different processes to handle the PHP script. By default, persistent connections stay open until the Apache process terminates. Subsequent PHP scripts can reuse the already opened connection, making them run faster. Database Resident Connection Pooling is a new feature of Oracle Database 1.

It is useful for short lived scripts such as typically used by web applications. It allows the number of connections to be scaled as web site usage grows.

It allows multiple Apache processes on multiple machines to share a small pool of database server processes. Without DRCP, a non- persistent PHP connection must start and terminate a server process, and a persistent PHP connection keeps hold of database resources even when PHP is idle. Below left is diagram of nonpooling. Every script has its own database server proces. Scripts not doing any database work still hold onto a connection until the connection is closed and the server is terminated. Below right is a diagram with DRCP. Scripts can use database servers from a pool of servers and return them when no longer needed.

  • PHP is a widely used, high-level, dynamic, object-oriented and interpreted scripting language primarily designed for server-side web development.
  • While reading what other developers had done with database objects in PHP (and even Java) I noticed several characteristics which I did not have in my previous.

Batch scripts doing long running jobs should generally use non- pooled connections. This section of the tutorial shows. DRCP can be used by new or existing applications without writing or changing. Perform the following steps. Check that php has oci. Open a terminal window and execute the following command: php - r 'echo ini. Session information (such as the default.

Php Script To Update Database From ExcelPhp Script To Update Database From Excel

Session information will be discarded if a pooled server is. You may also need to execute the query while. Oracle manages the DRCP pool, shrinking it after a. From a terminal window. The rows. with httpd@localhost. TNS V1- V3)correspond to a running Apache process holding a database. For PHP, Apache runs in a multi- process mode, spawning.

PHP script. Depending how. Apache allocated these processes to handle the . But the non- pooled script causes every.

Apache process to open a separate connection to the database. There are a number of. Oracle database, but the basics of querying.

Parse. the statement for execution. Bind. data values (optional). Execute. the statement.

Fetch. the results from the database. To create a simple query, and display the results in an. HTML table, perform the following steps.

This allows you to execute the statement again. If you don't see the returned rows, you may have deleted these employees in the web application part of the tutorial. Use SQL*Plus to query the EMPLOYEE. When the changed data is committed. This is. a database transaction.

By default, when PHP executes a SQL statement it automatically commits. This. can be over- ridden, and the oci. At the end of a PHP script, any uncommitted. Committing each change individually causes extra load on the server. In general. you want all or none of your data committed. To learn about transaction management in PHP with an Oracle database, perform.

To see that. the data has not been committed, query the table to see if there are. From your SQL*Plus session, enter the following commands. The only difference in this script is that in the do. The insertion time is less. In general you want all or none of your data committed. PL/SQL is Oracle's procedural language extension to. SQL. PL/SQL procedures and functions are stored in the database.

Using PL/SQL. lets all database applications reuse. Many data- related operations can be performed in PL/SQL faster. PHP) and then processing. Oracle also supports Java stored procedures.

In this tutorial, you will create a PL/SQL stored procedure. PHP script. Perform the following steps. Start SQL*Plus and create a new table, ptab.

In SQL*Plus, create a stored procedure, myproc. Change proc. php. In SQL*Plus, create a PL/SQL stored function myfunc()to insert a row into the ptab. Perform the. following steps.

Review the SQL in $HOME/public. From your sqlplus session, run the following: connect phphol/welcome. Prefetching is a form of internal row buffering. The number of rows in the buffer is the prefetch value. The larger the prefetch value, the fewer the number of physical database access are needed to return all data to PHP, because each underlying physical request to the database returns more than one row. This can help improve performance.

PHP code does not need to change to handle different prefetch sizes. The buffering is handled by Oracle code.

The included script helper. Time() and elapsed. Time() timing functions, as well as some additional setup functions used later. Your time values may differ depending on your hardware resources, and so on. The default prefetch size can be set in PHP's initialization. In 5. 3, it. is 1. You should choose a suitable default value for your.

Review the SQL in $HOME/public. From your sqlplus session, run the following: sqlplus phphol/welcome. No OCI8 fetch call is needed. If you want to see them, add . The output shows the random 2.

There. is also a pre- supplied package DBMS. In SQL*Plus logged in as phphol. Review the code in $HOME/public.

PHP has populated. There is a direct relationship between the HTML form name name=. The LOB- > savefile(). Note the OCI. The form action calls the script a second time, but. The successful echo. The image has been uploaded to the Web server. These are shown in many Oracle tools and are useful for application monitoring and tracing.

The meta data can be used for tracing or identifying the location in a PHP application of a misbehaving SQL statement. Note only the application information from the first execution of a statement is stored in V$SQLAREA. This section shows the basic technique of updating a section of a page without. Perform the following tasks: You can use a Xml. Http. Request to update a section of a page without reloading the whole page content.

Perform the following steps. Review the code in $HOME/public. It prepares an XMLHttp. Request request. to call ajax. Finally the request is sent to the webserver asynchronously. When the callback function is notified that the web. In web application, the Java script could be invoked by variousevents and could be made to alter the content of the current page.

The new value is displayed. Click OK. to dismiss the alert window. Note: You may also need to flush the browser cache to see the changed value. In this tutorial, you have learned how to: Create a connection Use Database Resident Connection Pooling. Fetch data. Use bind variables.

Use transactions Call PL/SQL Improve query performance. Use LOBs to upload and query images Incorporate AJAX into your page. PHP is a dynamically typed scripting language. It is most. often seen in Web applications but can be used to run command- line scripts.

It has familiar loops, tests, and assignment. Lines are terminated with a semi- colon. Strings can be enclosed in single or double quotes: 'A string constant'. Formatted output with printf(). Hello, World!'. print 'Hello, World!'.