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Wine Tasting Party Ideas - by a Professional Party Planner. Wine tasting party ideas. Firstly, you don't have to be a wine expert to host a wine tasting party.

These wine tasting party ideas have been designed to make wine tasting accessible and enjoyable for everyone, regardless of how much you or your guests know about wine. So whether the wine tasting is the entire theme of your party or just a small part added on to enhance a birthday / dinner party the main thing to remember is: make it fun. You want your guests to enjoy some great tasting wines and maybe learn something new along the way. The last thing you want is for people to feel intimidated or that they can't contribute. So the wine tasting party ideas below are designed with that in mind. My advice is not to take a wine tasting party too seriously and do everything you can to put your guests at ease.

Encourage people to express what they like or don't like about each wine, rather than getting bogged down on what's the 'right' or 'wrong' answer- because with something as personal as taste, there isn't one. Format. First, you need to think about what format your party will take. You can apply most of the wine tasting party ideas below to gatherings of all sizes but you do need to decide how best to structure the evening. Small Groups. If numbers are small, say 6 - 1. I think it's preferable to seat everyone around a table and structure it like a dinner party.

This way, not only is there plenty of space for glasses and bottles, but it creates an intimate environment for everyone to discuss and share. Plus you can control the pace of the wine tasting more easily, moving onto the next one when everybody is ready. So let the size of your table dictate the best number of guests. Alternatively, for a more relaxed vibe you could arrange everyone on soft chairs around a smaller coffee table in the middle of your sitting room. You can apply these wine tasting party ideas to either set up. Large Groups. For larger groups, think of it as a 'cocktail party' but set up a number of small tables around the perimeter of the room to act as 'wine stations'.

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Number each wine station so they flow around the room in chronological order (so that guests taste each wine in the correct order—more on this in the 'Things To Remember' section of these wine tasting party ideas). Install Os X Mavericks On Pc Vmware Nsx. This way people can work their way around the room in smaller groups at their own pace.

What and When to Eat. Next, decide what sort of emphasis you want to place on the actual wine tasting part of the evening, as this will affect what choices you make for food and when to serve it. You want everyone to start with a clean palate so as not to affect the taste of the wines. So invite everyone to come at a certain time and ask them to be prompt.

Vice Versa Pro 2 Crackers And A Yankee

Then just serve sparkling water (and appetizers if you really feel you need to) for the first half an hour as guests arrive then go straight into the wine tasting. Matt's Tip: Don't include any strong flavors such as chilli or olives in your appetizers, as this will also affect the taste of the wine. And definitely no cheese! Despite the common pairing of wine and cheese, this is best avoided at a wine tasting. More on this in the 'Things to Remember' section of these wine tasting party ideas below. After the wine tasting you can them move onto more appetizers, dinner, or dessert. The Wine's the Support Act For more informal wine tasting party ideas, where your objective is for guests to sample some great wines without trying to identify flavors or the type of grape then you can pair each wine with a different complimentary appetizer.

Alternatively, for a seated dinner you could integrate some of these wine tasting party ideas with the meal by tasting a different wine with each course. This is quite a nice way to really savor each wine and you can have a lot of fun designing a menu where each dish compliments a different wine. Theme. Some of the most successful and enjoyable wine tastings I've been to (and have organised for my clients) have been the ones where there was a theme. A wine tasting is such a broad concept and it can suffer from having slightly stuffy—even pretentious—connotations. So applying a theme to your wine tasting party ideas can help communicate more clearly to your guests the type of party you have in mind.

For example, just advertising your party as a wine tasting might make it sound a bit dry and serious. But bill it as 'an exploration of the wines and foods of Tuscany' can add an extra layer of excitement and expectation to capture your guest's imagination. Here are a few simple themes you could apply to these wine tasting party ideas to make things your event more original: Blind Tastings A blind tasting works best when you want to compare different varieties of grape such as Chardonnay, Pinot Grigio, Shiraz, and Pinot Noir.

It can add a bit of fun to these wine tasting party ideas because it gets your guests more involved. This can work well as an ice breaker or for parties with large numbers. The wine labels are hidden and guests try to identify the country, grape, and perhaps the price point from the appearance, aroma, and taste of the wine.

Bear in mind if your guests aren't already familiar with different wines, a blind tasting can be a bit of a wild stab in the dark. Therefore, I think it's a good idea to print off some short descriptions explaining the qualities and flavors associated with the different wines—to help guide people in the right direction. For example, if you're tasting three white wines provide short notes about four of five different white wines (always provide more descriptions than wines so some act as 'red herrings' and they can't just work out which is which by process of elimination). So if one of your wines is a Viognier the notes might explain that it is a dry wine that typically has a deep golden color with a powerful, rich aroma like apricots and orange blossoms and a distinctive tropical fruit flavor of apricot, peach or pineapple and a creamy mouth feel. As they taste and discuss each wine, have your guests make a note of which they think it is, the country of origin, the price point, and which is their favorite. At the end reveal all the answers and see who has correctly identified the most wines. It's often interesting to see whether people preferred the old world wines or the new world ones, or the cheaper ones to the more expensive.

Sometimes it turns out to be the opposite of what's expected—that's the beauty of a blind tasting. You can make these wine tasting party ideas as difficult or easy as you like, for instance you might want to tell everyone the country of origin of each wine as a starting clue, or you could make things more competitive by splitting people into teams (men v women usually brings out everyone's competitive streak!). Check out suppler 1 where you can pick up some tasteful burlap wine bags with numbers printed on them to hide the wine labels. There are even some fun designs and ones that can be personalized with a photo if the wine tasting party is a birthday, such as these ones below (more designs available from supplier 1). Non- Blind Tastings.

Non- blind wine tastings work well for more relaxed, informal tastings where the objective is just to taste and enjoy the wines, or for when combining with a seated dinner or buffet. As with a blind tasting you could explore different grapes varieties, or you could compare the same type of grape from different countries or vintages to see how different they can be. The advantage of a non- blind tasting is that knowing more about the wine, such as the country, flavor profile, and a little history about the winery, can often add to your guest's enjoyment of the wine. For example, being told that a Brunello di Montalcino from Tuscany has a taste of blackberries, currant and spice with hints of plum and raspberry paints quite an evocative picture of a Tuscan vineyard in your mind.